31 March 2006

HBO's 'Big Love' Show

OneMillionDads.com - online activism campaign for dads

Issue Details

HBO's 'Big Love' Show

HBO's new series, "Big Love", is about a polygamous family and is set in a Salt Lake City suburb. About the likely impact of this sexually driven show, the New York Times said, "We may never look at Utah and think white bread again."

HBO is a privately owned company and is not subject to FCC rules. Here are suggested actions to oppose this show:

1. If you have HBO, cancel it, and then let HBO know why you did. HBO's Consumer Affairs Department is 212-512-1208.

2. Most cable companies that carry HBO are contracted through local governments. Contact your mayor, city and county council members. They signed an agreement allowing your local cable provider to bring this disservice to your community.

3. The company that owns HBO (Time Warner) also owns AOL, New Line Cinema, Time Warner Cable, and Warner Bros. Entertainment. You may wish to consider stopping doing business with these companies also.

NOTE: If you see a commercial or program which is offensive, email us the information. Many of you have done this, and it is very helpful.

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